25 lbs bag - Deluxe Overseed LS
Deluxe Overseed LS Lawn Seed mixture includes 20% Kentucky Bluegrass, 20% Creeping Red Fescue, 30% Slider LS™ Perennial Rye, and 30% Fastball RGL Per. Ryegrass. A good solid mixture for overseeding on most soil types with endophyte enhanced Ryegrass.
The mixture DOES NOT contain limestone coating or clear polymer coating. The mixture is 100% grass seed with NO fillers!
Comes in 25 lbs bags (11kg bags)
- This mixture is good for all soil types
- Apply the seed evenly at approximately 5 to 7 lbs per 1000 sq. ft.
Laterial Spread Perennial Ryegrass spreads through tillers seen above. This spreading ability is the secret to the self-repair ability of LS Perennial Ryegrass.
New Lawn Seeding Tips
- Ensure that you have a minimum of 10 cm of good topsoil.
- Make sure you have a fine smooth seed bed. Remove all stones, lumps and other debris.
- Apply starter fertilizer at the recommended rate.
- Apply the seed evenly (approximately 5 to 7lbs per 1000 sq.ft.). If using a spreader, apply half going horizontally and the other half going vertically.
- Rake or roll the soil lightly after applying the seed.
- Keep the area moist by frequent light watering until the seed is established.
- Depending on the grass species, under ideal growing conditions, some seed will germinate in one week, while others will take four weeks.
- Seed germinates best when temperatures are 15°-26°C. Seed applied at cooler temperatures may take longer to emerge.
- For best results, apply in early to mid-spring or early fall.
Overseeding Tips
- Rake the bare or thin areas vigorously to loosen the soil and to remove debris.
- For thickening up purposes, apply at half the recommended rate.
- For patching up purposes, apply at the full recommended rate.
- Apply a thin layer of Topdressing Soil or Screened Topsoil on patched up areas.
- Follow points 5 to 9 on the "new seeding tips" above.