10 lbs bag - Premium Plus LS Lawn Seed

Premium-Plus LS-Lawn-Seed


Premium Plus LS Lawn Seed mixture includes 35% Kentucky Bluegrass, 35% Creeping Red Fescue and 30% Slider LS™ Perennial Rye.  Mixture for all soil types.

The mixture DOES NOT contain limestone coating or clear polymer coating.  The mixture is 100% grass seed with NO fillers!

Comes in easy-to-carry 10 lbs bags (4.5 kg bags)!



  • This mixture is good for all soil types
  • Apply the seed evenly at approximately 5 to 7 lbs per 1000 sq. ft.

grass ruler

  • Lateral Spread Perennial Ryegrass spreads through tillers seen above. This spreading ability is the secret to the self-repair ability of LS Perennial Ryegrass.

New Lawn Seeding Tips

  1. Ensure that you have a minimum of 10 cm of good topsoil.
  2. Make sure you have a fine smooth seed bed.  Remove all stones, lumps and other debris.
  3. Apply starter fertilizer at the recommended rate.
  4. Apply the  seed evenly (approximately 5 to 7lbs per 1000 sq.ft.).  If using a spreader, apply half going horizontally and the other half going vertically.
  5. Rake or roll the soil lightly after applying the seed.
  6. Keep the area moist by frequent light watering until the seed is established.
  7. Depending on the grass species, under ideal growing conditions, some seed will germinate in one week, while others will take four weeks.
  8. Seed germinates best when temperatures are 15°-26°C.  Seed applied at cooler temperatures may take longer to emerge.
  9. For best results, apply in early to mid-spring or early fall.

Overseeding Tips

  1. Rake the bare or thin areas vigorously to loosen the soil and to remove debris.
  2. For thickening up purposes, apply at half the recommended rate.
  3. For patching up purposes, apply at the full recommended rate.
  4. Apply a thin layer of Topdressing Soil or Screened Topsoil on patched up areas.
  5. Follow points 5 to 9 on the “new seeding tips” above.

Learn more!  Check out our blogs!

Landscape Supplies Return Policy

Unopened and unused landscape supplies, including lawn seed, geotextile, polymeric sand, landscape edging, rigid paver edging, and nails, can be returned to the depot within 30 days of purchase to receive a full refund.   A receipt of the purchase must be provided to receive a full refund.

No refunds or exchanges on garden tools, including shovels, tampers, and turf edgers.


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