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Tool Kit Rental

Greely's Gardening Tool Rental Kit opened

A bright and sunny start to Fall like we are experiencing this year can make it the perfect time to get caught up on some of that lawn and yard work that might have gotten left undone during summer vacation! October is a great month to do a little extra work to make sure that your property will be looking fresh and beautiful come springtime.

Want to spruce up your lawn and gardens this fall but don’t know where to start? Here are a few common tasks that are great to tackle at this time of year:

  • Overseed your lawn
  • Rake and collect leaves
  • Tidy and straighten edges and borders
  • Fill, level, and seed uneven areas of your lawn
  • Plant new perennial flowers

All of these jobs can generally be done on your own, especially if you have the right tools! That is why Greely Sand & Gravel is happy to offer our Lawn & Garden Tool Rental Kit. Maybe you don’t have room to store all the tools needed to complete the landscaping tasks around your home or maybe you just don’t want to buy tools for the a few small jobs that need to be done. Either way - our Tool Rental Kit is the perfect solution!

The Greely Sand & Gravel Lawn & Garden Tool Rental Kit includes:

  • Square Point Shovel
  • Round Point Shovel
  • Turf Edger with footsteps
  • Level Rake
  • Leaf Rake
  • Tamper
  • Broom
  • Wheel Barrow
  • Lawn Roller
  • 100 ft Garden Hose
  • Spray Nozzle
  • Oscillating Sprinkler
  • Spirit Level
  • Measuring Tape
  • Complimentary Gloves

For any of the jobs listed above, and many more, we can provide you with the materials AND the tools you need to make the process quick, easy, and effective! Our tools are all high quality and well maintained, ensuring that our customers have an enjoyable user experience. When you call us to rent the Tool Kit, we can generally have it delivered right to your driveway within 48 hours. After the job is complete, simply call us again and we will have the Tool Kit picked up as soon as possible. No matter what your project is, the Greely Sand & Gravel Lawn & Garden Tool Rental Kit is a fast and efficient way to make sure you have all the tools you need!

Our Tool Kits are available for either 3 or 7 day rentals and can be ordered individually or added to your order of landscaping products. To make it even better, you can get a $25 discount on the rental cost of the Tool Kit if you add it to an order of at least one Greely Gardening Bag.  For example, if you need to overseed your lawn this fall, go to our online store or give our office a call and have a cubic yard bag of Greely’s Topdressing Soil, a bag of our Premium Plus Lawn Seed, and our Lawn & Garden Tool Rental Kit all delivered to your house within 48 hours, with a $25 discount!

If you have questions about our Tool Kits or want more information on any of our products and services, please don’t hesitate to give our office a call at 613-821-3003. We are happy to help!