CU-Structural Soil®

CU-Structural Soil ® (U.S. Patent #5,849,069) is a soil designed by Cornell University to improve the growth and development of urban trees. A lack of useable soil volume for root growth and soil compaction has lead engineers to create a load-bearing soil that can be used along sidewalks. The soil is comprised of rigid stone, heavy clay loam, and Gelscape® hydrogel as a non-toxic, non-phytotoxic tactifier.  GS&G is the sole licensed manufacturer in the Eastern-Ontario region.

Click here to view our manufacturing license.

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The Why’s And How’s Of Using CU-Structural Soil® To Grow Trees In Pavement.

Root Growth of Accolade™ Elm in Structural Soil Under Porous and Nonporous Asphalt After Twelve Years

CU-Soil Ithaca Parking Lot Through 2019

Before and After:  CU-Soil being installed in 2012 and established growth in 2019.


  • Tree roots grow freely underneath pavement
  • Meets requirements for paved surfaces
  • Reduces sidewalk heaving

Available in granite.

Please note that CU-Structural Soil ® is not available online. For information on how to order, contact Greely Sand & Gravel Inc. today.